Leather bag is the bag with good quality and durable. Everyone know this. In the process many models and designs are born. There are similar and some are typical. Special design that sets it apart. Usually leather bags leather processing, only now there is a different design than the woven leather.
Rorokenes is the best artificial woven leather bag in Indonesia. Made of genuine leather with woven leather. Design leads to urban chic simple, classic and can be worn in any situation. So the bag can be customized with a variety of opportunities and needs.
Syanaz Nadya Winanto Putri is a brand owner, located in semarang. The idea of creating a brand originated from her love towards handbags. In addition to the industrial world are concerned with Indonesia that actually had a tremendous potential for developed and marketed at local and abroad.
Rorokenes is derived from the Javanese language which means a woman who is smart, funny, tough, nimble, strong and a bit sassy. As with any women Indonesia in General. Manifest in design and color rorokenes. So when a woman using this bag, get a feel for the characters.
Rorokenes want to show creativity, paying attention to professionalism and also the best quality. Dig into the culture by wearing 85% local materials. Because it wanted to give a contribution in national resilience. By taking on the role of to make the rorokenes as an industry that is capable of absorbing a lot of the workforce of Indonesia.
Rorokenes to the maximum pay attention to local resources with fixed refers to the international quality standard. With the goal of becoming the leading bag company, superior export quality in terms of design. Hope bags rorokenes became the pride of Indonesian.
Rorokenes design is suitable for all women characters, because of the possible range of choices in terms of color, size and needs. Fit also for various occasions. A good quality to be able to last a long time. Then rorokenes is the right choice for all women.
rorokenes has gained many awards. Still have a dream to be able to have a showroom representative at the famous hotel chain. And also want to have a grop of business.
As a company, rorokenes want to be able to share ownership with employees. So that all employees have a sense of belonging and they will work better. Thus the results achieved will be good. And could provide excellent service at the customers.
Because this bag is a bag lady, then rorokenes else care about the women who are less fortunate. In collaboration with Pundi Perempuan, rorokenes donates IDR 50,000.-from every purchase 1 bag product rorokenes for Pundi Perempuan. As a form of support for the Indonesia women’s protection activities.
Pundi Perempuan is a platform for raising and managing funds for the women’s Crisis Center (WCC) or agencies that deal with the issue of violence against women in various regions in Indonesia. Pundi Perempuan is a movement involving a community that was initiated by the National Commission of women and managed by Indonesia for Humanity (IKA) beginning in 2003. So if you buy a bag of rorokenes, you take part in the movement of women’s concern for Indonesia who needs help.
Rorokenes strives to offer the best quality bag manufacturers to be that provide comfort for the wearer. Looks cool, classy and useful. But also contribute in opening up many employment, provides opportunities for its employees to have a better life. And also contribute to the movement of humanitarian aid. Hopefully all that done rorokenes impact for economic progress and humanity. Give the pride as an original brand of Indonesia accepted in international markets.
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