Leather woven bag Ishita by Rorokenes. Why leather? Leather has been used in the fashion industry since a long time ago, including bags.

It has many advantages and one of them is that it is timeless even though the mode trend keeps on changing. From the look, surely it is elegant, and with proper process, a leather bag can be lasting.

So is Ishita bag from Rorokenes. The exterior of this beautiful bucket bag is 100% genuine woven leather. The material used is from the skin of a cow / a sheep. Meanwhile, the interior is made of suede that is elegant and equipped with 1 zipper pocket inside.

Leather woven bag Ishita :

Length : 25 cm
Width : 18 cm
Height : 28 cm
Length of the handle : 30 cm
Length of the strap : 130 cm

#Rorokenes #LeatherWovenBag #ArtisanCraft


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