In this technology era, there are a lot of fashion items that are mass-produced using a machine , including bag products. The cheaper price becomes the main attraction of these manufacturer bags in the market. Even so, the true fans of bags will still choose the handmade bags such as woven leather bags from Rorokenes.
The handmade bag like Rorokenes have a lot of excellences than the manufacturer ones. Rorokenes handmade bags are made specifically, so they are worth more than just elegant appearance.
What are the benefits of buying handmade Rorokenes woven leather bags?
Custom Handmade Products
Rorokenes handmade bags are produced using the Pre-Order (PO) system. When an order comes in, then the leather woven bag will be done based on the request. You can choose the color of some bag models as you wish. The bag is then done carefully by ensuring the Quality Control (QC) in each process. As a result, you will get a Rorokenes leather bag made especially just for you.
Original and Guaranteed
Handmade bags ensure the originality of the products you are buying. You will not find Rorokenes woven leather bags with the exact same model and quality elsewhere. Because handmade bags are difficult to be replicated due to the complexity of the details in each part. Furthermore, by buying a Rorokenes handmade bag, you will get a guarantee letter as a guarantee that the woven leather bag is genuine.
High Quality
Rorokenes manufactures genuine leather woven bags with guaranteed good quality. Because the bags are made by hand, every step in making them is done with great accuracy. Starting from the selection of leather, weaving, making patterns, cutting, until sewing are done symmetrically and precisely up to millimeters. Although the bags produced by handmade are quite time consuming, the results are comparable in quality. The Rorokenes bag has been curated based on its quality and it has been declared as an export product.
Unique and Artistic
Different from the mass produced bags, Rorokenes woven leather bags are made by hand in limited quantities. The bag that you buy has an exclusive value because each model is only produced in a certain period of time. In addition, the production process is entirely using human hands, assisted by several supporting machines.
This is what makes Rorokenes woven leather bags are not only more unique, but also artistic at the same time. Rorokenes handmade bag is work created to preserve woven art which has become a cultural heritage, hereditary in Indonesia.
Environmentally Friendly
Rorokenes bags are environmentally friendly products. In terms of material, Rorokenes only uses genuine leather. The production process only produces very little waste or almost zero waste. The type of skin chosen is the skin of farm animals such as sheep or cows. Not the exotic animals or the endangered ones whose existence is threatened.
Rorokenes bags are handmade or produced more using human hands. Handmade goods such as Rorokenes bags require less machine in production process. Therefore, they do not require much electricity or other natural resources.
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