A Handbag is a timeless bag. Always follow the trend, always perfect in supporting the appearance. Therefore, Rorokenes presents Rembulan handbag.

Rembulan handbag is made of 100% genuine leather. Rembulan bag and other Rorokenes bags are handmade. This beautiful handbag is also designed to be a multifunctional shoulder bag.

At Rorokenes, we always give a product guarantee as a commitment of our product quality. So, make sure you buy Rorokenes officially directly from us.

About Rorokenes

Rorokenes is a brand that produces artisan woven leather bags. All of Rorokenes’ bags are handmade products that are made by order. Rorokenes guarantees that all works produced are made of 100% genuine leather using 90% domestic materials. The elegant and multifunctional design of the bag, wrapped in traditional Indonesian woven creations, are the characteristics of Rorokenes’ work.

Rorokenes offers a wide selection of leather bags for women and unisex. The main products of Rorokenes consist of clutches, tote bags, boston bags, shoulder bags, and backpacks. The names of bags by Rorokenes such as Kamandhaka, Srikandi, and Tenong Ayu are mostly taken from vocabulary or terms in local languages. This was done as the expression of Rorokenes’ love for Indonesian native culture.

Love the Rembulan bag and other Rorokenes bags? Please order now by contacting us:

WhatsApp +62811-2998-249
Instagram @rorokenesindonesia
Fanpage facebook.com/rorokenesindonesia


#Rorokenes #LeatherWovenBag #ArtisanCraft